Tackle App Modernization in Days and Weeks, not Months and Years

Most developers work on existing applications: products and services that have been built, maintained, and updated over long periods of time. Over time, large organizations develop layers of manual processes designed to minimize risk and ensure compliance. As a result, software releases are often infrequent, high-ceremony events that require heroism and brute force. This bleak…

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The Perfect Storm: Why MDR is Your Only Option in Modern Cybersecurity

Now, for most medium-sized companies and organizations, it’s almost impossible. Distributed workforces have exploded thanks to increased work-from-home policies. Threat envelopes have expanded 1000X. An open marketplace for hacking tools on the dark web means attacks are up 40%. In response, the average mid-sized company has bought too many tools that don’t work together, aren’t…

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