The Perfect Storm: Why MDR is Your Only Option in Modern Cybersecurity

Now, for most medium-sized companies and organizations, it’s almost impossible. Distributed workforces have exploded thanks to increased work-from-home policies. Threat envelopes have expanded 1000X. An open marketplace for hacking tools on the dark web means attacks are up 40%. In response, the average mid-sized company has bought too many tools that don’t work together, aren’t…

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The Malicious Bot Playbook: Early Warning Signs, and What to Do About Them

Bots account for nearly 40 percent of online traffic today, and a good chunk of those bots are malicious. From content scraping to inventory hoarding to credential stuffing, malicious bot actors are growing more complex and sophisticated every year — with many even able to bypass CAPTCHAs and other simple user verification tests. No single…

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